Friday, August 17, 2007

Oochie Coochie La La La!

I've always had a thing for boys with different names. If I shake your hand, and something like James DeShannon Davis comes, your chances of hollering at me jump significantly.

Back in the early 90s, way before I took up wine drinking and eyelash batting, a young rapper from Cleveland named MC Brains was on the scene. He was signed to Michael Bivins record label, and he was nasty. I don't even know why my mom let me listen to Oochie Coochie. It was kind of like the male version of Ain't Too Proud To Beg by TLC. Well, in the early 90s, everybody was groping and was just getting vulgar.

Oochie Coochie is this lewd and crass little diddy about vagina. Not only does MC Brains describe in detail various sexcapades with women of different nationalities, but promises to "caress and love you like a pooCHIE" (empasis on the high-pitched 'chie'). MC Brains cares about his hoes. He reminds them to "stay on that pill/cause I ain't gonna hurt you baby/but the next man will." Aww.

But there was another side to MC Brains. Literally, the B-Side to the gyrating Oochie Coochie was Brainstorming, a cognac-smooth ballad about a lovelost bachelor. The excited and rauncy rapper, was throaty and sincere, in a letter-writing salute to some chick, who was probably sick of that constant raunch. The slow jam featured labelmates Boyz II Men on the chorus, with added sensuality to the sadness.

Needless to say, I thought MC Brains was awesome. First off, he was from Cleveland. But he has a trait on sexiness that rappers forgot exist. Sure, LL Cool J popularized teh hip hop love song, even adding sex songs to repetoire. Nowadays, most hip hop songs are either sappy (sorry Common) or way to nasty (fill in the name of the rapper of your choice) or just too commercial (Nelly comes to mind). Ludacris may be the only rapper that straddles that line of nasty, yet respectable (What's Your Fantasy, Splash/Waterfalls).

MC Brains was a casualty of that sudden 90s drop off that left many New Jack Swing artists in the dust. The undercover nastiness in his raps were losing steam, songs like G-String...about g strings...were being shunned for stuff a littl more hardcore. Plus, he allegeds that Michael Bivins fleeced him out of tons of money. Yeah, take a number and have a seat with that claim.

So MC Brains is STILL RAPPING in Cleveland, under the moniker Brainz Davis. You can check him out on his MySpace page. no, he doesn't have Oochie Coochie* on his play list, but Brainstorming is there to download. You wouldn't think he was embarrassed of that song, would you? Real talk, next time I'm in Cleveland, I'm looking him up! La, la, la!

Oochie Coochie video

*This has got to be the most times I've ever written the words Oochie Coochie in my life. Swear.


E. Christian Wallace said...

You know I said the "poo-CHIE" part out loud. I need help.

I remember MC Brainz, we dug his song for awhile, but as time went on me and simple-minded friends (unfairly) made a mockery of him. I don't even think we ever heard another song. Bone Thugs came out in like late 93-94 or something like that and it was over for Brainz. I think I got the record from a shoe store once VIP Sports (or maybe it was TNT..yeah, I think so) after (my mom) buying my LA Kings starter jacket.

Anyways, I wonder if Redhead Kingpin is in that dust as well.

DonnaMarie said...

RedHead is a neo-soul producer now...I believe he produced Couldn't Hear Me Over The Music by Eric Roberson...I'll find out for sure

E. Christian Wallace said...

Dang, I wonder who else is still out there working below the radar.