Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another Late Night...

That silence sense of content
That everyone gets
Just disappears
As soon as the sun sets

I Wake Up Alone, Amy Winehouse

I can't remember the last time I slept soundly.


I'm mad I washed my sheets
That's why I can't sleep
His smell is gone
It's only aromatic in my emotions
And reactivating with tears
Just won't work

He wouldn't want to see me cry
Well, he doesn't want to see me live
Because there is no way to unlight a match
My tears are just as intense as
Any raging fire

All of the adoration in the world
Is nothing
Like his kiss
I melt in his presence and
Stick to his charm
The apparitions of his smiles
Haunt me
How will I ever sleep soundly again

He knows nothing of my sadness
My life is heavy
Like rainforest air
My emotions are so bloated
I can no longer fit myself

Everything about him
Keeps me awake nights
The length of his neck
The smell of his day after skin
The patterns in his messy hair
The lies he once told
Self mutilation
Is what we do to one another
When we aren't together
The only thing that keeps us apart
Is his inability to arrive

1 comment:

belladawn said...

He's not worthy! He's not worthy!! ;-)

beautiful words!