Thursday, August 7, 2008

Expansion vs. Seclusion

I am in a constant battle between letting the world know of my inner thoughts and keeping shit to myself. I think it's the Cancer in me. One part of me is brazen and forward. Another is timid, hiding behind a shell.

And one part isn't too sure that people won't think I'm crazy. I've learned in the past week that I am. Which is fine with me. I guess I'd rather know something about myself than be in denial. Other things I accept:

1. I am nearly an alcoholic. The only reason why I don't fully accept the title is because it hasn't really affected my daily life. My boyfriend gets the brunt of it at times, but he absorbs craziness rather easily.

2. I like sex a lot. It's so poetic and intense.

3. ...and chicks sometimes. I like women's bodies, but I don't want to be emotionally intimate with them. Does that make me a dude?

4. I don't need people as much as I thought I did. Part of getting older is being alone. I'm cooler with that.
Do I want everybody to know these things about me? What do I gain from the exposure? Understanding, perhaps. Relating to others craziness, indeed. We'll see.

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