Monday, April 7, 2008

Haiku Hoe

Crush Haiku
Under your eyesight
I am an ant who can't hold
Seven times her weight

Love & War
Your eyes cutting
Your face furled
Your pose distrustful
Will not make me fall out of love with you
The foundation of this fight is simply
That I want something that you have
It's your attention, your attention and your attention
I would never invade your senses for
Recreation or
Spite because
Is costly
Lives are lost
Infastructure can be destroyed
And if this point isn't sharp
Then we are building a peace treaty on resentment
If I didn't love you
I wouldn't fight you
And as abusive and misleading as that may sound
I have never felt the desire nor purpose to want something so bad
To have to snatch at it
You sweet kisses
And wanting eyes
Don't make me stay
Because in an instant it can be intrusive
Or offensive
This tumbling we do out of and onto
This relationship needs pain and love
It needs swampy floods and crisp blue skies
This harmony of this love is intricate
And this fighting purposeful
And as God has taken two of his cloths
Fashioned to blend into one
Turbulence and disturbances are not just
But welcomed
With tea and apple pie
At the door of my emotions
We will shake hands and take PR photos
And we will cut cakes and doves
Will be released into the skies
I still love you, but I will still fight you

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